Nerja Dance Studio, also known as Escuela Profesional de Danza Nerja, is a renowned dance school based in Nerja, Spain. The school has an active social media presence, including a Facebook page with more than 1.1 thousand likes and followers. The dance school offers a range of dance styles, including classical and contemporary dance. They have enthusiastic teachers, including @mandymmaldonado, who are involved in classes.
Nerja Dance Studio regularly announces new developments and announcements on their Facebook page, and encourages interested parties to contact them and reserve their seats. They also have a physical location on Calle Benamocarra Box Nerja, where interested parties are welcome after the feria.
The dance school exudes enthusiasm and dedication, and their posts show a vibrant community of dance enthusiasts. For further details and reservations, interested parties can contact them by phone: 609 45 52 61 or by e-mail: